The Space Grant Ballooning Project for the Solar Eclipse

Ballooning Project ,Ballooning Project 2017,Ballooning Project for Solar Eclipse,Space Grant Ballooning Project,Space Grant Ballooning Project for Solar Eclipse,#NASA,Cassandra Runyon ,ive streaming on official NASA website

On the 21st of August, Americans will get to witness a total solar eclipse. The beautiful phenomenon will be visible to Americans in 14 states at different times as the moon covers the sun completely throughout the day.

It is even more exciting as the solar eclipse will be streamed live online for the very first time. The viewpoint will be from helium filled balloons from across America giving the public a sky high view of the moon slowly covering the sun.

A Reuters report revealed that a group of researchers from Montana State University have partnered with NASA and are participating in the Space Grant Ballooning Project. The project works towards sending more than 50 helium-filled balloons 80,000 feet above ground to get a better capture of the eclipse.

Director of the South Carolina Space Grant Consortium, Cassandra Runyon excitedly said, “We’ll see the variations from coast to coast to see what the eclipse does over landscapes.”

This will be the first time in history that a solar eclipse will be streamed live. The live streaming can be watched on the official NASA website. The NASA’s website put out a statement that reported the streaming will start at 1 P.M. EDT that is 10:30 P.M. IST.

Apart from the NASA website you can also view the solar eclipse on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube pages of NASA.